Iteracare is the only official terahertz 4th generation device that delivers holistic healthcare that can benefit you and your family. Drinking the terahertz charged water alone has major health benefits by activating healthy cells, removing unhealthy cells, normalizing muscles and tissues, helping with energy, circulation, weight management and much more. 10 times more powerful than acupuncture and 40 times more effective than massage.
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field. PEMF therapy consists of a device which emits pulsed electro-magnetic fields. The energy of the PEMF device passes through the cells in your body, amplifying the cellular energy. The increase in energy promotes a natural reaction that regenerates and enhances the efficiency of the cell’s function.
The inHarmony collection of technology products use a patented system of tech-assisted sound and vibration therapies to quickly and comfortably put users into a deep relaxed state. The combination of vibro-tactile stimulation and vibro-acoustic technology is the most powerful on the market.
Frequency therapy is a type of alternative medicine that involves exposing the body to certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation in order to treat various health conditions, including cancer.
Dr. Lee Bartel explores how sound can stimulate cells in your body and brain to reduce the impact of Fibromyalgia pain, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Depression, and even increase blood flow.
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